I am preparing to go back to Nigeria. Leaving on the 8th of November and returning on the 9th of December. I had planned to fly on the 9th of November but when I made my reservations the cheapest ticket was for the 8th and I did not notice. It would have been only $30 more to fly on the 9th. I was scheduled to work as an election judge on the 8th. I checked on the cost to change the ticket to the 9th and it was $322. So unless I come into some unexpected cash in the next week I will not be working as an election judge and will be on an airplane from Dallas to London when the polls close in California. So I will have to try to get some sleep as I fly overnight to London and find out who won when we land. Maybe, the pilot will make an announcement.
Outside of Deaf Church August 20165 |
The first item of business in Nigeria will be the consecration of the Jimeta Deaf Church we have been working on for the last four years. Below are pictures sent to me in August after the painting. The painting was done while Pastor Ruth was in the US and Bishop William was in Denmark. It was not what the Committee had envisioned. The wall on either side of the altar was suppose to be white so we could use it for video projection. We may have to just buy a portable screen. They also had a second cross made which is too tall for behind the altar. The last I heard they are thinking of installing the smaller cross outside above the entrance and cutting the bottom of the tall cross off and using it behind the altar.
Inside Deaf Church just after painting August 2016 |
I will be working with the Demsa Health Referral Center Construction Committee on completing the Stage 4 paperwork and planning Stage 5. At the end of Stage 4 they should be able to move into the In-patient building. Stage 5 will be mostly outside work, drilling a larger borehole and building a set of demonstration Ventilated Improved Pit (VIP) latrines for use by visitors and families of the patients.
In-Patient Under Construction May 2016 |
Yakubu Bulama has said that he have three or four water projects I can help with. One week will be mostly paperwork as the church will have their November BME meeting. I have never asked what BME means but it is a business meeting that all the Pastors and representatives from all the Districts, Divisions and Synods attend. Without the church leaders available, travel is not possible. One item on the agenda for the meeting will be the election of a new Archbishop. Archbishop Babba has expressed his intent to retire.
I hope to update the blog at least once a week.
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